NERD2 with DiveCAN to Prism2 Cable Connector
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NERD2 with DiveCAN cable connector to Prism2
Near Eye Remote Display (NERD) 2 computer with a CANbus* Cable Connector for a Hollis Prism2 Rebreather
The Shearwater NERD 2 is the first technical dive computer with a display mounted on the diver's rebreather mouthpiece. This revolutionary device keeps crucial information in your line-of-sight for the entire dive. Thanks to the Micro LCD display and magnifying lens, the data appears as if displayed on a 32" TV screen 12' away, with no need to focus. If you can watch a TV without glasses, and even if you have a bifocal lens mask for reading gauges, you should have no problem seeing the NERD. The display is unobtrusive as it virtually disappears when you look straight ahead. The numbers are there when you need them at any point during the dive, and out of the way when you don't. The full color display is used to convey additional meaning with the information being displayed. When information is yellow or red, it calls the diver's attention to an unusual value or problem.
During a decompression dive, the NERD 2 provides complete information displays of all required stop times. The NERD 2 can provide time-to-surface based on "look ahead" at planned gas switches. Multiple gas definition presets are supported with any combination of oxygen, nitrogen and helium. The NERD 2 will NOT "lockout" after a missed stop or ascent rate violation. After the dive, the NERD 2 communicates via next generation Bluetooth Smart Ready™ with iOS devices such as the iPad and iPhone. In addition to current Shearwater and third party support for Mac and PC desktop applications, users are able to download dives using their iOS devices in conjunction with third party applications. The NERD 2 incorporates a built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery. Users can expect a minimum of 18 dive hours, on medium brightness, from a fully charged NERD 2 and 5 charges from the charge bank.
The NERD 2 is capable of wirelessly connecting to either one or two optional transmitters giving the diver ability to monitor up to two tank pressures. It is also capable of calculating the Gas Time Remaining (GTR) on one assigned tank. Air integration is optional for all modes, from OC Rec to CC/BO. The tank pressure(s), in PSI or BAR, and GTR can be displayed to the customizable slots on the main display screen or accessed through the underlying information screens. Enabling the AI feature causes approximately 10% decrease in battery life.
Near Eye Remote Display 2 - DiveCAN Connector
5 OC gases / 5 CC gases
OC Air, Nitrox, Trimix, and Gauge mode
3 axis, tilt compensated, digital compass
CC external monitoring of 1, 2, or 3 O2 cells or fixed PPO2
*CANbus (from Wikipedia)
A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a robust bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other's applications without a host computer. It is a message-based protocol, designed originally for multiplex electrical wiring to save on copper. For each device, the data in a frame is transmitted sequentially but in such a way that if more than one device transmits at the same time, the highest priority device can continue while the others back off. Frames are received by all devices, including by the transmitting device.
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